Risks of religious socialization in a post-secular society

The article presents the search for effective steps to minimize interfaith tension. The authors reveal the essence of traditional introduction to religion in the modern information environment. Digital technologies, on the one hand, expand the horizons of the possible, but on the other hand, the personality breaks away from natural communication, and as a result, the internal system of spiritual landmarks is disturbed. And then the human sensible world easily switches to another type of communication due to his or her natural need for sympathy and care – to virtual communication.

Parameters of Destraction in Youth’s Socialization: Aspects of Methodology

In the article the methodological resource of the activity-related approach to define parameters of destructive pattern in the process of socialization of youth’s is investigated. The author demonstrates that use of this methodological resource focuses on process of search of
destructive behavior factors in areas of social livelihood and person’s conscious. Based on the performed study, the author specifies the level of the interaction of the destructive behavior parameters in information and communication fields as well as the cognitive structures.

The Peculiarities of the "I-Image" Development of the Child in His Preschool Age

The issues of the development of the «I-image» of the child in his preschool age are being considered in this article. The demand of the self awareness is considered to be one of the fundamental demands of the human being. This knowledge constructs the basis, the foundation for launching the self-development and self-realization mechanisms. Based on the analyses of the Russian and foreign psychologists researches the «I-image» is considered as the bar component in the structure of the personality.

Young People, Education, Labour Intellectualization: Trends and Contradictions

This article covers the analysis of the problem of the youth integration into the economical processes. Attention is focused on the labour intellectualization trend and new requirements presented by the people common market. The needs of the modern economy in the intellectual resources brought to forefront the criteria of the education, professional competence, creative potential.

Destructive Forms of Socialization of Youth in the Nonconventional Religious Organizations and Sects

In the article the problems connected with processes of socialization of modern youth in the nonconventional religious organizations and sects, received the wide circulation in territory of Russia are analyzed recently. The basic characteristics of a phenomenon of nonconventional religiousness are designated, the criteria of disruptiveness sects are given, the analysis of existing researches on this theme is carried out.

Process of the Socializations in Changing Condition of Being and Subjective Well-Being

In article are discussed questions of the correlation subjective and subjectivity with position of the socializations of personalities, shaping space of being. It is analysed their place and role in shaping the subjective well-being of personalities.

Motivation of the Professional Development of Future Teacher- Psychologists under the Conditions of Informatizatsii of the formation

The subject matter of the article is the problem of professional motivation development of the intending teachers in the field of psychology in the frame of education informatization. Ac cording to the suggested motivation model of the use by the teachers - psychologists of informa tion technologies in the context of meaningful learning in the content area, two basic motivation vectors have been singled out: the formation of the psychological readiness of the intending teachers to the activity under study.

Personal and Professional Self-Determination as Socialization Effects

The paper discusses a problem of a personality self-determination as an effect of its socialization. Theoretical analysis embraces peculiarities of self-determination; its determinants and dynamic specificities; a correlation of personal and professional self-determination. Tasks for further studies of self-determination from the viewpoint of social psychology of personality are stated.
