Izv. Sarat. Univ. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 4
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The problem of liberty: The importance of theorizing about classical liberal philosophy in the compatibilism concept formation
стр. 379
The problem of digital recognition of personal behavior in the context of modern challenges: Socio-philosophical and theological analysis
стр. 404
Utopia, war, post-apocalypse: The image of the USSR in foreign and Russian video games
стр. 409
Order training as a method of managing the formed suborders of organizational culture (Castalia program)
стр. 419
Eye-tracking study of the perception of folk art on the example of Gzhel and Khokhloma
стр. 424
Problems and ways of comprehensive study of the consequences of combat stress and combat injuries
стр. 438
Personality’s emotional ecological safety: Phenomenological analysis and research prospects
стр. 445
Forming graduate students’ vision regarding pedagogical activity of a classical university professor
стр. 458
Modern aspects of teaching a foreign language to schoolchildren and students of secondary vocational education in Finland
стр. 475