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1. General Information
1.1. The Journal "Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy" is published 4 times a year. The Journal accepts general theoretical, methodological, discussion, critical articles, research results in the field of philosophy, psychology and pedagogy, short reports and reviews, as well as chronicles and information for publication in Russian and English.
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2. Manuscript Design Guidelines
2.1. Manuscripts should be designed in strict accordance with the rules of the journal (see the sample).
UDC identifier (for Russian papers), title, author’s initials and surname, affiliations (academic degree, academic rank, position, place of work, e-mail), abstract summarizing the article (the subject of research, research findings and conclusion), key words, text of the article, references.
2.2. The text of the article should be single-spaced with 2.5 cm margins, Times New Roman font, the font size of the main text is 14, the size of the secondary text (footnotes, tables, captions and inscriptions to figures, appendices, bibliographic list, notes) is 12. All pages of the manuscript, including tables, figures, references, should be numbered.
2.3. Abstract requirements. The abstract should reflect the main thrust of the publication. Optimal lengh of the article should be 200-250 words.
2.4. Figures and tables. Illustrations and tables should be submitted in a separate file, in JPG, TIFF, CDR, BMP resolution above 600 dpi. Figures should be submitted in black and white. It is permissible to use hatching.
Each table should be numbered in Arabic numerals and have a heading that briefly revealsits contents. All columns must have a concise and informative subheadings. The units are specified after the comma.
Each figure and each table in the text must be referenced.
2.5. All physical quantities must be given in the International System of Units (SI).
2.6. References. All the works cited in the article should be listed in the bibliographic list. In the list of references the numbering of references should correspond to the order of reference in the text. References to unpublished works are not allowed.
References in languages that do not use the Latin alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, etc.) are transliterated in accordance with the system of the US State Department.
Post-eventuality and the subject of absence in the objective phenomenology of Alain Badiou
V. G. Kosykhin
Saratov State University
The article considers the ontological significance of the objective phenomenology of Alain Badiou, as it is presented in his works "Logic of worlds" and "Second manifesto for philosophy". The author compares Badiou’s phenomenology with the phenomenological projects of Husserl and Heidegger, noting its subjectless character. The dissolution of the ontological subject in related reaction to the events by diverse strategies implemented in the subjectivity is performed in the objective phenomenology of Badiou by eliminating of the instance of contemplation in favor of ethical and political practice. Special attention is paid to the relationship of ontology and mathematics, as well as to the analysis of the concepts of the subject and post-eventuality in the context of traditional ontological categories of the one and the multiple. The conclusion is that in the modern ontological theory of the transition from the analysis of isolated nature of the phenomenon to the analysis of a single set-much.
Key words: ontology, phenomenology, Badiou, post-eventuality, subject of absence, one, multiple.
References in the text should be given in brackets: [1]. Use the following format for a sequence of references [2, 6-8]; and for pages [3, с. 215-216].
Manuscripts prepared without adhering to these rules may be returned to the authors without review. Materials rejected by the editorial Board are not returned.