
Saratov industrial and organizational psychology in the 1920–1930

Introduction. The first study of the history of Saratov organizational psychology was carried out by L. N. Aksenovskaya, who traced the development of the industrial and organizational direction at Saratov State University from 1971 to the present. The purpose of our research was to analyze the process of formation of organizational and psychological science in Saratov in the 1920s–1930s.

Personality’s emotional ecological safety: Phenomenological analysis and research prospects

The introduction describes intrascientific and sociocultural factors that determine the difficulties of studying research problems of psychology of a personality’s emotional sphere, and highlights its insufficiently studied issues. The solution to these issues may offer new prospects of the development of fundamental and applied knowledge of the essence of human nature. The author suggests examining a personality’s ecological safety in expressing and controlling feelings as one of the heuristic objectives.

Problems and ways of comprehensive study of the consequences of combat stress and combat injuries

Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical approaches to understanding the intrapsychic mechanisms that generate combat stress and psychotrauma. This article draws the attention of specialists to the psychophysiological and individual-typical factors affecting the occurrence and course of combat PTSD. Theoretical analysis. The stages of research on the consequences of human participation in hostilities conducted over the past century are presented.

The socio-psychological adaptation of Indian students in Russian University

The introduction notes the increase of educational migration and the relevance of creating the necessary conditions for the successful socio-psychological adaptation of international students in Russia. The theoretical analysis is devoted to identifying modern problems of adaptation of international students in universities in different countries, including Russia.

Eye-tracking study of the perception of folk art on the example of Gzhel and Khokhloma

Introduction. Folk art is the basis of spiritual and moral education. Given that folk art is entering our lives in a new way, the chosen topic is relevant. Theoretical analysis. Gzhel and Khokhloma have accompanied the development of artistic taste over the centuries. It is known about the influence of art on the psycho-emotional state of a person, an indicator of which is oculomotor activity. Eye movements can be used as indicators of the perceptual process. Empirical analysis.

Order training as a method of managing the formed suborders of organizational culture (Castalia program)

Introduction. The organizational and cultural approach to the management of modern organizations remains a priority in the context of an increasing variety of management technologies. Theoretical analysis. The theoretical basis for understanding the phenomenon of organizational culture and socio-psychological training as a method of managing it is the order approach to the socio-psychological study and change of organizational culture.

Psychometric сharacteristics of the “Appropriateness of professional self-determination” Scale

Introduction. The concept of appropriateness of professional self-determination is analyzed, approaches to its analysis and measurement are described. Theoretical analysis. The significance of self-assessment of appropriateness of professional self-determination as a condition of sustainability to frequent stresses and prevention of professional burnout, including emotional exhaustion and depersonalization of personnel. Еmpirical analysis.

Emotional factors of social perception deficit in neurasthenia

Introduction. The study is aimed at identifying emotional factors that determine the deficit of social perception in neurasthenia. Theoretical analysis. Insufficient knowledge of the phenomenology of neurasthenia and the difficulties of its differential diagnosis at the stage of pathological personality development is shown. The lack of targeted assistance to patients and their objectively rapid disability is emphasized. The hypothesis is formulated that patients with neurasthenia have a pronounced violation of social perception, determined by social anhedonia.

The problem of comparative evaluation of paintings created by an artist and generated by a neural network

Introduction. The role of art in the life of society is to translate humanitarian values. The creator of a truly imaginative work is able to perceive when interacting with the world and embody in his works what may not be in statistics and will probably be relevant for humanity in the future. Theoretical analysis. According to the available data, the pictures aggregated by the neural network and painted by the artist do not differ in subjects. In this paper, an activity-based approach is implemented to assess the differences of such paintings.

Predictors of subjective feeling of social support in women with oncological diseases of the reproductive system

Introduction. The relevance of the study of predictors of subjective feeling of social support in cancer patients lies in the prevalence and social significance of this disease with a pronounced vital threat. Theoretical analysis. The concept of “disease situation” is ambiguous, it includes difficulties associated with the course of the disease, its social consequences, and the social support available to patients as a possible resource. This implies the need to consider this resource and the factors of its effectiveness. Empirical analysis.
