subjective well-being

Personality as the Subject of Relations and Interrelations

This article discusses the problem of person as the subject of the relations and interactions with each other. Analyzes the relationship of personality and their psychological characteristics. Special attention is given to the subjective position and relationship of personality to the other persons.


The Structural Organization of Self-Сontrol Depending on a Level of Subjective Well-Being of the Person

In article results of empirical research of interrelation of self-control and subjective well-being of the person are submitted. Specificity of interfunctional connections in structure of self-control of the person is shown depending on a level of subjective well-being.

Process of the Socializations in Changing Condition of Being and Subjective Well-Being

In article are discussed questions of the correlation subjective and subjectivity with position of the socializations of personalities, shaping space of being. It is analysed their place and role in shaping the subjective well-being of personalities.
