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Малышев И. В. Pecularities of Social-psychological and Individual Adaptational Characteristics of Personality of Halflings of Different Subcultures. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 3, pp. 308-?. DOI:

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Pecularities of Social-psychological and Individual Adaptational Characteristics of Personality of Halflings of Different Subcultures

The paper is devoted to the problem of social-psychological and individual components of the adaptational readiness of personality of halflings from the view point of the influence to it of nowadays youth subcultures. Modern approaches to the phenomena of social-psychological adaptation and adaptational readiness of personality are considered. An analysis of the characteristics of peculiarities of personality by examples of halflings of different subcultures, namely, of halflings-gamers, football fans and of belonging to anorexia, is given. In particular, it is found that the adaptational possibilities of personality of halflings of different subcultures have prominent differences, this is expressed as certain peculiarities of personality adaptation, and its quality-quantitative indicators. Quite high level of adaptability of personality of football fans and low level of adaptability among halflings from other groups, are indicated. Here especially belongs the subculture of ones actively supporting the anorexi, where was discovered a low level of adaptation parameters. The found regularities of social-psychological adaptation of personality of halflings in dependence on their belonging to different subcultures can be used with the aim of prophylactics of disadaptational appearances and for preparation of psycho-correctional programs. They have prominent meaning for practical psychologists in the consulting activity in rehabilitation centers and educational institutes. 


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