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Rozhdestvina А. A. On the Content of Intellectual and Moral Potential of the Law Student. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 226-230. DOI:

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On the Content of Intellectual and Moral Potential of the Law Student

Development of education, including legal, is now one of the priority directions of development of the country which is fixed in strategic documents of the Russian Federation. High requirements to the future law expert suggest the formation of special competencies which allow to master new educational technologies easily and quickly, to be interested in the professional growth and improvement, and to be open to innovations in the educational process. For this it is necessary for the future lawyer to have a certain intellectual and moral potential already at the stage of training. In the article different points of view on the concept “potential” are considered. This concept is given according to FGOS’S requirements 40.03.01 Law (bachelor degree level). At the same time it is noted that potential can be developed and implemented by training and education, but initial opportunities directly depend on the set of intellectual and moral qualities of the law student which have been formed before entering a higher educational institution. The author gives opinions of different scientists on the definition, essence and content of mental and moral abilities and gives types of these abilities, based on requirements of FGOS.


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