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Шутова О. И. The Dynamics of the Relationship of Formation of Professional Identity and Subjective Attitude to the Representatives of Digestible Competencies of Supporting Professions . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 235-?. DOI:

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The Dynamics of the Relationship of Formation of Professional Identity and Subjective Attitude to the Representatives of Digestible Competencies of Supporting Professions

There is a link between formation of professional identity and subjective attitude to master the competencies of supporting professions in clinical psychology, general medicine and social work. We consider the levers of professional identity: the formation of professional identity and the maturity of professional identity. Supporting professions’ competences specifics is to consider thee aspects like a pragmatic, a motivational, an operationally. Formed professional identity will have influence on the individual activity оf the students on the way to master of competencies, than its maturity. The maturity of professional identity is observed in the development of the working specialists’ competencies. There are differences between operational and motivational aspects of competencies. There are smallest differences for the pragmatic aspect that determines the degree of using of competences.


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