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Ваулин В. И. Adaptive Features of Professional Formation of Cadet-Pilot. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 223-?. DOI:

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Adaptive Features of Professional Formation of Cadet-Pilot

The article discusses the characteristics of adaptation of the Cadetpilot during the professional formation, exposed types, mechanism and indicators for adaptation. It argues that the development of the individual comes through three phases: adaptation, differentiation, integration. Taking into account the specificity of the flying University, the author singles out classification of adaptation: by activity and external influences at military-cadet activities (education (educational and flying; the military-scientific-methodical and command; educational); the military service (fighting and mobilization; service-functional; daily-consumer; socio-organizational; cultural and leisure events; the military legal); to adapt internal processes: physical, physiological, socio-psychological; service-statutory; lexternal; internal; ethnic; climatic. The mechanism of pilot-cadet adaptation is observed, which includes: mobilizing of energetic resourses, plastic reserve and all protecfive abilities of an organism; the adaptation happens during military-professional training and put into practice with the help of 3 basis mechanisms: a) learning mechanism; b) protective phycological mechanisms; c) adaptive mechanisms; adaptation sphere is defined by various activities, which form fully connected system, actfing as a mechanism with a inified action; adaptation leads to internalization of soual control elements, defines personality formation of a calet and successful adaptation. Adaptation to the scorecard can be identified: objective indicators the level and stability of quantitative indicators of labor; subjective indicators: level of satisfaction with their profession, working conditions, staff, etc. 


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