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Loginova V. S. Anthropological Approach to the Development of Historical and Pedagogical Knowledge in the Context of Humanization of Education. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 344-?. DOI:

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Anthropological Approach to the Development of Historical and Pedagogical Knowledge in the Context of Humanization of Education

The article describes the experience of implementation of anthropological approach in teaching history of education, it stresses the importance of orientation to anthropological approach both in selection of content of historical and pedagogical knowledge, and in choice of technological methods of developing knowledge in organization of bachelors’ creative research activity, which is aimed at developing ways to autonomously work with information on the history of pedagogy, mastering variable ways to work with original sources, skills of taking notes, completion of individual research projects. It is noted that the anthropological approach to understanding the historical and pedagogical ideas involves access to the problem of teacher’ personality, teacher educator, and personality of child in educational process, highlights the role and standing of the teacher and the pupil in different historical periods, functions of an educator in various Russian and foreign conceptions of upbringing and education. From the position of the anthropological approach it is carried out by the personification of history education and pedagogical thought, history of pedagogical science, this approach allows to sum up awareness and understanding of role and place of teaching ideas and theories of folk traditions in the development of educational practice, educational system and pedagogical science.


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