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Ksenofontova V. A. Behavioral Specifics of Adolescents with Diabetes. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 76-79. DOI:
Behavioral Specifics of Adolescents with Diabetes
The latest studies make emphasis on misadaption of people fighting chronic diseases, consequently allowing for psychology approach to diagnostics, prognosis and therapy of the disease. This article covers the issue of self-awareness development in adolescents with diabetes. This time of a child’s life is characterized with entering whole new social position forming his/her conscientious attitude of the self as a member of the society. The main character traits facilitating an adolescent’s entering the new development stage are the specifics of impulse control while communicating, major communication skills, indexes of interpersonal dependency, empathy level and the type of an adolescent’s attitude of the group as comparted to healthy adolescents. The behavioral specifics are being developed in relation to hospitalizing and inability to form adequate self-identity to interact with the society, which leads to the problem of an adolescent’s emancipation and infantilizing. Thus, an important pedagogical problem of the maturity formation in the young generation, their preparing for entering the adult world and solving numerous personality, educational, professional and other matters in the near future is being brought to the forefront.
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