Cite this article as:
Рягузова Е. В. Colorness of the Psychological States. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2007, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 49-?.
Colorness of the Psychological States
The article is dedicated to analysis of the notion «color» as the attribute of the objective reality, as the symbol of all objects, as the experience of the person and as the judgment. The results of psychological reflexions some components of the psychological states across the psychosemantic interpretation of their colorness, are submitted.
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2 For more, see: L. Urvantsev. Psychology of perception of color. Yaroslavl, 1981; Zaytseva A.S. The science of color and painting. M., 1986; Petrenko VF, Kucherenko VV The inter-
the connection of emotions and colors // Vestnik Mosk. University. Ser.14. Psychology. 1988. № 3. P.70-82; Goethe I.V. To the doctrine of color (chromatic) // Psychology of color / Trans. with English. M., 1996.
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