Cite this article as:

Lozhkina L. I. Compliance as an Actual Problem of Medical Psychology: Theoretical-Methodological Aspects. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 75-?.

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Compliance as an Actual Problem of Medical Psychology: Theoretical-Methodological Aspects

The article considers the problem of compliance of patients to
treatment and rehabilitation process. Carried out a theoretical
analysis of interdisciplinary problems. Provides an overview of
trends in the study of compliance, methods of evaluation and the
factors influencing compliance behavior. Particular attention is
given to the relevance of the study in the psychology of compliance.
The author notes that the patient should be seen as a carrier
of subjective reality, consisting of interrelated psychic phenomena
an different levels of awareness. Compliance is a manifestation of
psychological facts in behavior. In keeping with the position that
the issue of compliance is interdisciplinary, notes and justifies
the need to address the psychological aspects of compliance. Allocated
external (medical and social) and internal (psychological)
conditions for the formation of compliance. It is concluded that the problem compliance in psychology is not sufficiently developed. No
psychodiagnostic assessment criteria of psychological conditions
and patterns of compliance.


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