Cite this article as:
Позднева С. П. Computerization of Science as a Way to the Dialog and the Integration. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2007, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 44-?.
Computerization of Science as a Way to the Dialog and the Integration
Computerization of science gives the real possibility overload the break between two kinds of cultures: natural, so called «precise» sciences, on one hand, and humanitarian sciences, on another. «Washing away» the edges between local cultures, computerization furthers new style of thinking genesis, and marks future science contours.
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5 Kazantseva K.V., Ursul A.D. Reflection, knowledge, information // Науч.-техн. inform. Ser.2. 1981. №1. C.6.v
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