Cite this article as:
Фомина К. Н. Conceptions of Duration as Basis of the Neoanimistical Ontologies. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2011, vol. 11, iss. 3, pp. 19-22. DOI:
Conceptions of Duration as Basis of the Neoanimistical Ontologies
The article devoted to problem of distinction of «animated» and
«inanimate» categories. The problem is examined in a context of
ontological conception of the stream of time (the Bergson’s idea
of the duration and Deleuze’s conception of «synthesis of time»).
It comes to the conclusion about presence of great number of
levels, intensities in the degree of animated, and also about the
great number of rudiments of the soul as a forms of the synthesis
of time.
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3 Бергсон А. Материя и память. С. 255–256.
4 Там же. С. 256.
5 Делёз Ж. Бергсонизм. С. 151.
6 Бергсон А. Материя и память. С. 300.
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11 Делёз Ж. Различие и повторение. С. 99.
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