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Malyshev I. V. Correlation Between Creative Potential and Coping-Strategies of Personality of Higher School Students. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 56-61. DOI:

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Correlation Between Creative Potential and Coping-Strategies of Personality of Higher School Students

The current study considers the problem of creative potential of personality in context of overcoming of difficult stressing situations. The results of analysis of contents of creative possibilities of personality and of basic coping-behavior strategies of students with different professional orientation, are represented. For the majority of students «solving the problem is escape from emotions» model of coping-stressful behavior strategy is characteristic. The creative potential of personality, expressed in factors of personal creativity (the sum of «inclination to risk», «inquisitiveness», «complexity», «imagination») and the level of creative potential intensively influences on coping-behavior and is closely related to «solving-the problem» coping-strategy. The role of creativeness and personal creativity as rising of an adaptational possibilities of personality and influencing on selection of effective coping-stressful strategies factors is defined.

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