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Ivanova D. N. Daily reality as a relevant form of life. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 4, pp. 377-381. DOI:
Daily reality as a relevant form of life
The article focuses on the phenomenon of daily reality as an element of public life. The author analyses the principles this notion is based on. Daily reality is a mode that states the authenticity of a man’s being. The premises which have led to the necessity of the notion’s study are defined, the latter being a fundamental rethinking of rationality’s role as a method to figure out where a man’s place in the world is. The author analyses methodology of the problem within the philosophical discourse, and gives a socio-cultural justification of daily reality structures and levels. To formulate the social and philosophical nature of daily reality clearly actual historical and public life context is considered. Potentially this approach helps investigate the practical side of being, which earlier has been considered by philosophers unessential from the standpoint of motives of a man’s life. The author argues that the rationalization of all the spheres of life is not the only way to regulate social being. Processes which go beyond rationality play a very significant role in human activity organization. Daily reality is not a form of passive, irresponsible living, it is viewed as the human mode of authentic being and one of the phases of active, creative, responsible existence constructing.
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