Cite this article as:

Malkina S. M. Habermas’ Postmetaphysical Thinking: an Analytic. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 31-?. DOI:

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Habermas’ Postmetaphysical Thinking: an Analytic

The article is devoted to the consideration of J. Habermas’ concept
of postmetaphysical thinking. According to Habermas, the transformation
of the four aspects of metaphysical thinking (identity
thinking, idealism, prima philosophia as philosophy of consciousness
and the strong concept of theory) results in modern philosophy in a
shift, that leads to establishing of postmetaphysical thinking, also
characterized by four features: procedural rationality, situating
reason, the linguistic turn and deflating the extra-ordinary. However,
Habermasian project of social communication, which should embody
all the advantages of postmetaphysical thinking, contains itself the
complexity that posing into question the disciplinary existence of
philosophy in general.


1. Habermas J. Postmetaphysical thinking: Philosophical
essays. Cambridge; London, 1992. 241 p.
2. Puntel L. B. Habermas’ postmetaphysical thinking:
a critique. Available at: http://www.philosophie.unimuenchen.
puntel/download/2013_habermas.pdf (accessed 1 February

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