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Ivanov A. G. Homo Ludens 2.0: The Limits of Mythologization in the Digital Space of the Game. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 31-36. DOI:
Homo Ludens 2.0: The Limits of Mythologization in the Digital Space of the Game
The article considers the processes of mythologization in the game space. The author, noting that current mythological processes in fact occur simultaneously with mythmaking, compares the specifics of mythological activities in public life and in the digital space. The systematic approach is used to study the contemporary myth. The analysis of such closely related components of modern social mythology as ritual and game is carried out. The game is considered as one of the mythocontent phenomena of the ritual. One of the key changes of the game in the digital space is the change of its essential basis – aesthetic content, which grows in a certain way, primarily due to the emergence of new formats of communication. Many of the characteristics which accompany the games of social reality are being transformed in the digital space, but at the same time new opportunities are opening up. It is concluded that in the era of modern digital revolution the essence of the game itself is eroded and lost and the game component of the digital space extends the limits of mythologization, transforming a man into a kind of Homo ludens 2.0 (a man playing, version 2), who has such characteristics as developed myth-thinking and the ability to take into account new aspects of gaming activities.
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