Cite this article as:

Семенова Е. В. In Sourses of National Philosophical Culture Formation:the Russian Literary Salons of 19 Сentury . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 44-?.

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In Sourses of National Philosophical Culture Formation:the Russian Literary Salons of 19 Сentury

This article is dedicated to the research of the literary salons 19 century on the example of A.P. Elagina, Z.A. Volkonskaja and V.F. Odoevskij salons. We analyzed positive and negative traits of these salons, the problems, the places and the significances of the literary salons in Russian culture. It is proved scientifically: they have rendered great services to the forming of the national philosophical ideas and to their dissemination. The essence of this article is the Russian reflections gradually changed from the literary salons to the philosophical  society,  where  it  was  the  school  of  Russian  national philosophy. 



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