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Troshina N. V. Kinds of Adaptation of the Modern Person: the Social-philosophical Analysis of the Problem. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 32-34. DOI:

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Kinds of Adaptation of the Modern Person: the Social-philosophical Analysis of the Problem

The article is dedicated to the consideration of kinds of adaptation of the modern person in the conditions of the venturesome society. The author of research represents adaptation of the modern person to risky situations through a certain duality: acceptance or rejection of the situation. It is noticed, that process of adaptation is connected with the dynamics of functional possibilities of various mechanisms, with the appearance of the modified skills, habits and qualities. As it is shown in article, in these conditions of the venturesome society the revealing of the most significant kinds of social adaptation of the person is required. The analysis of materials of researches allows to present kinds of social adaptation of the modern person. The author of research notices that the most priority kinds of social adaptation can be anthropovitalistic, activity and valuable. According to the author of research, definition of the factors which have influence on the dynamics of risks and detachment of priority kinds of social adaptation, will find the expression in factors of minimization or producing of risks for a globalized society.

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