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Bilibenko A. V. Models of Philosophical Reflexion of Mental Illness. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 9-14. DOI:

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Models of Philosophical Reflexion of Mental Illness

The article considers models of philosophical reflexion of the mental illness, offered within the interdisciplinary movements and theories in XXth century. Ideas of L. Binswanger, R. Laing, M. Foucault are analyzed, existential-phenomenological, social and epistemological models of philosophical reflexion of the mental illness are allocated. The author concludes that in all models the mental illness becomes an original phenomenon by means of which are analyzed the existential base of life, society, history, i.e. it becomes the methodological tool, strategy of research. The discourse of mental illness is not only natural-science psychiatric discourse, but also philosophical discourse. 

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