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Bogacheva E. A. Modern Image of the Curator of Student's Group. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 339-?. DOI:
Modern Image of the Curator of Student's Group
Article investigates a concept of the curator’s image of student’s group as the character created with the purpose to convey to students certain information through such external manifestations as behavior, outlook, and appearance. Undoubtedly, each teacher who is consciously choosing educational activity of coaching by the time of implementation of such choice created as the personality and is his/her identity. Choosing image, the curator is guided by the universal and pedagogical values proceeding from which his idea of that role or a mission which he has to be formed, can execute in a pedagogical situation. It is noted that the image has a powerful psychological impact on its target audience and on the curator himself. The relevance of the study, dedicated to the modern image of the curator, due to the dependence of the success of the educational process on the quality of the relationship that develop in the interaction of the curator with students. Approaches to the problem of professional image of the curator are presented. Pedagogical abilities of the curator are manifested in his desire for individuality, individual style, where the fundamental features are: the style of pedagogical communication; the choice of methods of work; the selection of means of education; features of self-presentation; features of response to emerging pedagogical situations; the use of psychological and pedagogical means of research and practice. It is concluded that all professional qualities, abilities, values together represent the image of the modern curator of the student group, including its internal and external characteristics.
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