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Петров Д. Б. Nondenominational Religiosity of the Russians: the Results of Questionnaires, Surveys, Interviews and Monitoring of Runet. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 172-?. DOI:
Nondenominational Religiosity of the Russians: the Results of Questionnaires, Surveys, Interviews and Monitoring of Runet
The article is devoted to the analysis and theoretical understanding of the results of the second, practical stage of the study of the Russians’ nondenominational religiosity. Written surveys, questionnaires, interviews, monitoring of Runet have confirmed a part of our hypotheses, have refuted some of them, have made adjustments to the rest and have raised a number of new scientific issues. It has showed up with the situation regarding the typology of «nones», of the existence of a constant and a mobile accentuation of faith, of individual and group morphology of their religious complex, of changes in the functions of the rites and rituals in their religious practice etc. Also the illegality of the reduction of this group or of individual believers to such organizational forms as a sect or new religious movement has become evident. The groundlessness of attributing them to a kind of an unconscious chaotic faith or exclusively protest, anticlerical sentiment has come to light. In connection with the growth and complexity of the phenomenon of «nones», there arose the question about the nature of the relationship of this phenomenon with cultural and social-political context of our country and the relationship with the global context where this phenomenon occurs on a larger scale and more intensively.
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