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Vilkova E. S. Pedagogical cases in the higher education system. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 4, pp. 464-468. DOI:
Pedagogical cases in the higher education system
Introduction. In the system of domestic higher education, the creation of individual cases on pedagogical situations in higher education, and then the formation of their base is in demand. The purpose of the study is to develop a version of the pedagogical case on the situation in the system of higher education as a model for creating a bank of similar cases in the future. Theoretical analysis. When teaching disciplines in the field of higher education for future teachers, cases on various pedagogical situations are used. At the same time, publications on pedagogy consider professional trainings and similar cases on certain situations in preschool and school education, but cases on pedagogical situations that arise in the process of university educational activities are not presented in scientific literature. Results and their discussion. The author’s definition of the case is formulated; the case study on the pedagogical situation when an exam on a discipline is taken ahead of schedule is proposed in the basic and extended version and its solution based on the legislative framework, life and pedagogical experience of the author is given. Conclusion. The formation of the bank of cases on pedagogical situations that characterize the educational process in higher education is only at the initial stage. They have to be worked out and improved in the context of the transformation of higher education in order to effectively solve the problems facing the national higher school today.
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