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Дуплинская Ю. М. Phenomenology of Multilayered Perception: Infrapersonal and Ultrapersonal. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 146-?. DOI:

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Phenomenology of Multilayered Perception: Infrapersonal and Ultrapersonal

In article the reality in which there is no «present» in every sense of this word is investigated: and in direct and figurative; in literal and metaphorical; in physical and metaphysical. The time doesn’t pass from the past to the present and the future, but makes jumps from the past in the future and from the future in the past, jumping over the present. It follows from this that there is a gradation of ways to be, always advancing our being. Also there is a gradation of ways to be, always late in relation to our being. The hypothesis is put forward, that the reality, both physical, and mental, has multilayered structure. Layers of reality are the worlds differing from each other in extent of temporal shift. Layers of infrapersonal and ultrapersonal existence are allocated. An analogy to a spectrum is considered. Our ability to perception of oscillation settles down in the range of the frequencies which are above a zone of an infra and zones ultra are lower. By analogy, the infrapersonalny layer which is below a level of perception of the person is allocated. And the ultrapersonal layer which is above this level.


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