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Даренский В. Ю. Philosophical Anthropology of G. S. Batishhev: Conception of «Ascenting Man». Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 135-?. DOI:

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Philosophical Anthropology of G. S. Batishhev: Conception of «Ascenting Man»

The author considers the specifics of G. S. Batishchev’s philosophy as a non-classic anthropology. The concept of «profound communication» is considered to be the fundamental principle of the relation of a person with other people, the world and the God. It has been given reason that the dialogical principle has achieved the entire development in G. Batishchev’s works. It has been shown that characteristic property of «religious» dialogue is its vertical cutoff and a presence of the “universal” ontological coordinate in dialogue, which is the God. Phenomenon of dialogue is interpreting here as a unity of individual and common in human experience. The concept of «You» («Thou») in its metaphysical sense considered here as a key of this problem, therefore the phenomenon of existential openness (being as a «My»–«You»-relation) is interpreted here as an intersubjective process of a constituting of the personal being. Special attention in this article is devoted to interpretation of «inner mechanisms» of moral activity as a phenomenon of behavior according to «dominant on Other». The logic of developing ontology of activity approach in G. S. Batishchev’s philosophy was carried out in the direction of converting personal subjectivity. The existential prospect of grounding of activity approach allows G. S. Batishchev’s concepts to get new impulses of development in the direction of integrity and subjectivity of individual existence as co-existence. The authentic dialogue as a «profound communication» proceed only in the field of spiritual life, and with what it takes for human beings to be formed so as to lead such a life. According G. S. Batishchev’s approach, philosophy becomes «a way of life», and theorising a secondary activity, worthwhile only in so far as it served the way of life. Self-realization is successful if an individual is included in a sufficient number of social relations. This typos of person can be called «ascenting man», and in philosophical terms the «profound communication» becomes not only one of the ways of the personality self-realization, but the manner of one’s existence. The self-realization by «profound communication» cannot replace the self-realization in the practical reality, but their synthesis ensures more successful existential fulfillment. 


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