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Belykh T. V., Knyazev E. B. Predictive Model for Identifying the Inclination to Subordinate in Girls of Student Age. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 298-?. DOI:

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Predictive Model for Identifying the Inclination to Subordinate in Girls of Student Age

Modern conditions for the development of our society dictate the need for new scientific tasks related to the study of the genesis of such socio-destructive manifestations of the personality as: depersonalization, increased suggestibility, a tendency to subordinate without a critical assessment of the meaning and sense of people’s behavior in the situation of interpersonal interaction, leading to the susceptibility of the person to manipulative the impact of individuals or groups pursuing mercenary, unlawful or extremist purposes. The article presents the data of an empirical study that made it possible to reveal the socio-cognitive factors of the manifestation of the subordination of the personality in girls of student age. The greatest contribution to the formation of a social attitude toward subordination in the conditions of interpersonal interaction is made by the developed dependent type of interpersonal relations, the desire to control one’s own behavior by other people, a self-incriminating type of behavior, low internality in the field of interpersonal relations. Based on a comparative analysis of the socio-cognitive characteristics of girls with different socio-psychological attitudes to submission, a prognostic model of the propensity of the individual to subordinate to girls of student age was constructed using discriminant analysis, which can be used in the practice of providing psychological prevention and correcting the subordinate behavior in girls in the period of study at the university.


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