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Orlov M. O. Predictors of subjective feeling of social support in women with oncological diseases of the reproductive system. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 318-325. DOI:
Predictors of subjective feeling of social support in women with oncological diseases of the reproductive system
Introduction. The relevance of the study of predictors of subjective feeling of social support in cancer patients lies in the prevalence and social significance of this disease with a pronounced vital threat. Theoretical analysis. The concept of “disease situation” is ambiguous, it includes difficulties associated with the course of the disease, its social consequences, and the social support available to patients as a possible resource. This implies the need to consider this resource and the factors of its effectiveness. Empirical analysis. In this article, using the example of patients with oncological diseases of the reproductive system, the connection is established between the subjective feeling of social support, characteristics of self-attitude, adaptation strategies of healthy and sick women. Conclusion. For this group of women, the high importance of cooperation with the social environment, the proximity of emotional contacts, the desire to rely on the resources of others and be needed for them was revealed. The main predictors of the subjective feeling of social support for sick women were: acceptance of the situation and acceptance of themselves in this situation. Healthy women are more likely to rely on their own activity and responsibility. The results obtained indicate a pronounced mobilization of the personality of sick women. This also allows them to build relationships with loved ones.
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