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Odintsova M. A. Problem of a Victim Personality Type in Psycology. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 73-79. DOI:

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Problem of a Victim Personality Type in Psycology

The analysis of theoretical prerequisites of development of victim personality type problem in psychology is given in this article. A determination of a victim personality type is given as such a type of personality’s formation in a complicated correlation of her outside and inner world when the inner world being interpreted through the outside one takes distorted forms in a form of victim interpersonal roles (victim’s play role, victim’s social role, victim’s position), personifying in victim’s habitus enabling to demonstrate various victim’s types: autovictim, victim, hyper-victim. It is explained that victim interpersonal victim’s roles (play, social, position) can be referred to classification. They are also, acquiring an express designation (victim’s habitus) transformed into victim personality types: «autovictim», «victim», «hyper-victim». 

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