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Semina M. A. Professionally – Oriented Ongoing Mathematical Education in «School – Technical University» System in Terms of Teaching Units Integration. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 354-?. DOI:

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Professionally – Oriented Ongoing Mathematical Education in «School – Technical University» System in Terms of Teaching Units Integration

The article is devoted to the study of the problem of professionallyoriented ongoing mathematical education in «school – technical University» system in terms of teaching units integration. The article gives the data of theoretically-methodological analysis of issue development degree; it examines the wholeness of professional training in terms of ongoing mathematical education. The system of ongoing education and its place in ongoing mathematical training is considered in the article. Basic requirements and design principles of contemporary pedagogical technologies are determined. The applying of special units integration in «school – technical University» system is considered, the implementation of didactic conditions of professionally-oriented ongoing mathematical education in terms of teaching units integration is formulated and proved. The results of a study confirming the effectiveness of the developed didactic conditions and the professionally oriented technology for the implementation of ongoing mathematical training are summarized. They have made it possible to organize the process of future instrument engineers’ professional training, and at the same time to weaken, and in some cases, even to remove the contradictions revealed in the work. It is shown that mathematics education should begin with actualization of the previous and necessary knowledge, using universal mathematical methods. The results obtained can be used both in organizing mathematical training for other specialties, and in preparing for other disciplines of the curriculum.


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