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Tolstikov V. V. Psychological readiness of the NPP operational shift to work in emergency situations as a condition of its group reliability. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 79-84. DOI:

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Psychological readiness of the NPP operational shift to work in emergency situations as a condition of its group reliability

Introduction. The article analyzes the phenomenon of psychological readiness of operational shifts of the nuclear power plant (NPP) to work in emergency situations. The study of operational shifts of nuclear power plants in this direction was conducted for the first time. Theoretical analysis. Psychological readiness is a condition for the formation of such a characteristic of an operational shift as group reliability, which, in turn, is the most important prerequisite for a safe and reliable work shift. Theoretical analysis indicates that group reliability of an operational shift is a characteristic that is actualized precisely in the conditions of the development of an emergency situation. Willingness to work effectively in emergency situations is a factor that significantly increases the chances of adequate actions in real conditions. Еmpirical analysis. The empirical study found that the overwhelming majority of the investigated operational shifts characterized by an average and above average level of psychological readiness for action in an emergency situation, while no shifts with a low or high level were revealed. Conclusion. Such results may indicate that this psychological condition of group reliability in operational shifts of the NPP is sufficiently well-formed. Nevertheless, the psychological service should work to strengthen the psychological readiness of units for action in emergency situations.

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