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Khrisanfova L. A. Recognizing Ekman’s JACFEE Set of Stimuli by Female Subjects in Varied Time Intervals in Correlation with the Driving Forces in Their Personality. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 445-449. DOI:
Recognizing Ekman’s JACFEE Set of Stimuli by Female Subjects in Varied Time Intervals in Correlation with the Driving Forces in Their Personality
The study focuses on the correlation of Szondi’s driving forces in a person with microgenesis of perception of JACFEE set of stimuli by female students (11 subjects). Method: the subjects were exposed to Ekman’s JACFEE set of stimuli (with varied time intervals of 16 msec, 34 msec, 49 msec, 66 msec) in background noise conditions. We have found that microgenesis of perception of the JACFEE set of stimuli involves a chain of phases, in the course of which the mechanisms of perception follow in succession. The first two phases are a period (up to 34 msec) of unconscious emotional preparedness, followed by the period of conscious recognition of the JACFEE set of stimuli. In the period of unconscious emotional preparedness, women, prone to depressive reactions, choose emotion “Fear”. During the period of conscious identification of emotions, women who express a need for activity identify the emotion “Surprise”. Women inclined towards autism in the period of conscious identification of emotions identify a neutral person without revealing a priority recognition of any emotion. Emotional sensitivity is not expressed through correct or incorrect recognition of emotions. It is revealed through the connection of the characteristics of the microgenesis of the perception of emotions and the driving forces in a person.
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