Cite this article as:

Капитанова О. В. Role of Modern Computerized Technologies in Preparation of the Future Logistics Officers for Foreign Language Communication. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 103-?.

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Role of Modern Computerized Technologies in Preparation of the Future Logistics Officers for Foreign Language Communication

At present time the most important question of foreign language teaching is developing of the future logistics officers communicative skills for speaking and communicating foreign language fluently and correctly. New computerized technologies and multimedia means promote perfection of educational process of foreign language learning. Multimedia is exclusively useful and fruitful educational technology, due to its characteristics such as interactivity, flexibility and integration of various types of the multimedia educational information, and also due to possibility to take into part specific features of trainees and to promote increase of their motivation. Modern computerized technologies are perspective and highly effective toolkit in preparation of cadets for the foreign language communication.


Kapitanova Olga Valeryevna 

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