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Alexandrova E. A., Attia M. R., Akhmetov S. I. Сlassification of Electronic Interaction Strategies in Web-learning. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 3, pp. 329-333. DOI:
Сlassification of Electronic Interaction Strategies in Web-learning
The emergence of scientific literature describing a large number of e-interaction strategies has been linked to the effective development of e-learning today. All of them, in one way or another, have advantages. In order to make the most of these advantages, it is necessary to study, generalize and classify them. This is exactly the purpose of the article. The authors analyzed multiple options for e-interaction strategies. As a result, they created a classification of strategies for e-interaction in web-training. In this regard, this article does not provide only the author’s definition of the concept of “strategy”, but also a new classification of strategies for e- interaction in web-training, which differs from others in terms of types and their relationship to the environment of e-learning: Collaborative Learning; E-Lecture; Self-directed learning strategy; Learning strategy by publishing and distributing problems electronically; Project-Based e-learning; Active Strategy; Visual Thinking Strategy; Discovery-based learning strategy; Membership Strategy; Ask An Expert Strategy; Peer Interaction Strategy; Tutor Strategy; Electronic-Discussion Strategy; Electronic scanning strategy; Role-Playing Strategy.
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