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Хачатрян М. В. Sophia in the Bible and in Russian Sophiology: Aspect of Wife. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 166-?. DOI:

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Sophia in the Bible and in Russian Sophiology: Aspect of Wife

The article explores the unique, but scantily investigated in Russian sophiology, concept of Sophia the Wisdom of God as “a Wife clothed with the sun”. According to the Bible, the first Sophia’s witness was The God Himself and his Prophets, on which all Russian sophiologists accentuated their attention. Religious mystical experience of sophiologists is the important determinant for acknowledgement of Sophia image. The topic in the article is researched by comparing notions of Russian religious philosophers and implicit texts of the Holy Scriptures about Sophia as well as by using method of biblical exegetics. The key in the work is the method of spiritual contemplation and inner intuitive-sensual cognition of truth, while special emphasis is put on drawing conclusions in the form of definitions and theses. The various functions of Sophia are revealed as a Woman Clothed with the Sun who possesses on the one hand the force and power to condemn and defeat the ancient serpent and on the other hand gives all-unite salvation to all creatures and mankind through their rebirth in Christ. Sophia’s personification is carried out in order to get detailed knowledge of her soteriological role. The importance of religious mystical experience of sophiologists is underlined as determinant of deeper knowledge of Sophia image and sophilogy in general.


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