Cite this article as:
Городнёва М. С. Structure of Praxis in Religious Ontologies: Comparative Analysis of Traditional Practices of Hesychasm and Yoga. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 22-?.
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Structure of Praxis in Religious Ontologies: Comparative Analysis of Traditional Practices of Hesychasm and Yoga
The article observes the problem of intoduction the phenomenon of spiritual religions experience in the field of the philosophical discourse. The analysis of the phenomenon is performed by means of the categories of religious praxis. Much attention is paid to specipic version of ontological interaction between consciousness and existense though practice. The perspective of the application of such methodology to the studying of the modern dynamics in social religious institutions is offered.
Key words:
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4. Торчинов Е.И. Религии мира: опыт запредельного. Психотехника и трансперсональные состояния. СПб., 1998. С.69-74.
5. Классическая йога («Йога-сутры» Патанджали и «Вьясабхашья»). М., 1992. Гл. II, шлока 29.
6. Хоружий С.С. К феноменологии аскезы. М., 1998. С.78.
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