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Mikhailova I. V. Studying Russian as a foreign language at a technical university in the aspect of a culturally-oriented approach. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 354-358. DOI:

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Studying Russian as a foreign language at a technical university in the aspect of a culturally-oriented approach

Introduction. The article deals with the issue of studying the Russian language as a foreign language in a technical university in the aspect of a culturally oriented campaign. Theoretical analysis of the material on this issue allows us to note the relevance of this study and formulate a conclusion about the need to use a culturally oriented approach in a technical university, thanks to which foreigners can be adapted to a foreign-language socio-cultural environment. A number of problems are identified that impede the effective assimilation of the Russian language. Empirical analysis, based on the methods of practical observation and comparison of the level of foreign students’ language skills, allows us to identify the conditions for successful education of foreign students in Russian universities and some “difficulties”, overcoming which helps stimulate the learning process. The special role of the teacher of Russian as a foreign language is determined. As an illustrative example, a brief description of the preparation of a practical excursion is given, which allows foreign students to immerse themselves in a foreign culture. In conclusion it is concluded that a culturally oriented approach is one of the main ones in teaching foreign students the Russian language, as it forms foreigners’ respect for a foreign culture and contributes to the comprehensive development of the individual.

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