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Isaev E. A. The Development of Students’ Tolerant Attitude to Foreign Culture While Foreign Language Teaching. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 96-100. DOI:
The Development of Students’ Tolerant Attitude to Foreign Culture While Foreign Language Teaching
The article deals with the discrepancy of the level of the culture of international communication to the modern demands of the development of integral processes in our society. It leads to the problem of low dynamics of person’s tolerant attitude to foreign culture. The author suggests using the foreign language teaching process as the means of the development of the tolerant attitude. Foreign language is a compulsory subject at higher school education, it influences students’ mode of life, gives the cultural stereotypes, models during the interaction of cultures and languages. The pedagogical conditions of the development of tolerant attitude in the foreign language teaching, which were proved in practice, are the following: the axiologization of foreign language teaching, the consideration of persons’ national and psychological peculiarities in the educational process, the use of techniques of cross-cultural interaction.
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