Cite this article as:

Гуменская О. М. The Old-Russian Wisdom as a Source of the National Psychological Thought. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2007, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 64-?.

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The Old-Russian Wisdom as a Source of the National Psychological Thought

In Ancient Russia (X с. - XVII с.) there were lots of writings where psychological questions were set and solved. Among them were both translations, and works of national authors that were included into their textbook on psychology, meditative admonitions of old russian devotees; various compositions of old Russian pedagogical and ethical thought; naturephilosophical compositions, folk legends, and also works of art.


1 Gromov MN, Kozlov NS Russian philosophical thought of the X-XVII centuries. M., 1990.
  2 History of Philosophy: West-Russia-East. Book. 1. Philosophy of antiquity and the Middle Ages. M., 1995.


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