Cite this article as:
??? The Problem of Search of the Ideal of Science in the Conditions of Forming of the New Hierarchy of the Universal Values. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 4, pp. 12-?.
The Problem of Search of the Ideal of Science in the Conditions of Forming of the New Hierarchy of the Universal Values
In clause through a prism philosopher-cultures the approach the problem of search and formation of a new ideal of scientific character in the ratio with relative and historical dynamics of key parameters of scientific rationality is considered. The concept of a postnonclassical ideal of scientific character is comprehended by the author in a context of comprehension of necessity of development of cardinally others norms cultures, reference points of modern scientific knowledge.
Kalinina Galina Nikolayevna
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