Cite this article as:

Колчина А. Г. The Question of Definition of Conception «Transformed conditions of consciousness. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 30-?.

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The Question of Definition of Conception «Transformed conditions of consciousness

It makes an attempt to define the conception «Transformed conditions  of  consciousness?»  and  «Is  the  consciousness  cognized?». It gives proof of the fact that consciousness is a form of interaction of person with society. In its turn transformed conditions of consciousness is a consciousness of such interaction. It emphasizes that depersonalizations and alienation are come out as a factor of transformed conditions of consciousness. Such problem organization inferred the author in a sphere of actual questions of ontology, kinesiology, philosophic anthropology and social philosophy. 




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