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Терентьева О. В. The Self-reference Words as an Indicator of the Lying/True Written Message. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 219-?. DOI: 10.18500/1819-7671-2017-17-2-219-222
The Self-reference Words as an Indicator of the Lying/True Written Message
The article is devoted to identification of markers of lying and truth in written text messages. The author discusses the main directions of studies of lying written text and emphasizes that this problem is poorly researched in Russia. The foreign researchers look into descriptors of the lie in the speech and ones of nonverbal signs of the deception. It shows that usage of the self-reference word as a index of lying/true message. The article gives results of the first stage of the research. The aim of the stage is verification of a hypothesis. The hypothesis says that the number of the self-reference words are depended by lying text or truth one. Sixty four Russian students of Saratov University from 17 to 21 years wrote truth essays and lying ones on the fixed theme. The self-reference words were computed by content analysis method. Statistical estimate of data was realized by means of program IBM SPSS Statistics 22. It states that 75.6% of the written messages were correctly predicted as lying messages or true ones by the self-reference words. The results of the research are possibly applied in staffing company and judicial examination of the text
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