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Firstov V. E. The Social-Metric and Informational Aspects of Clusterization of Trained Contingent at Organization and Optimization of Group Cooperation in Education Process in the School and IHE. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 110-118. DOI:
The Social-Metric and Informational Aspects of Clusterization of Trained Contingent at Organization and Optimization of Group Cooperation in Education Process in the School and IHE
The aim of this work is to define informational criteria of optimization of group cooperation in training process with the help of clusterization of training contingent. The finding management criteria of clusterization procedure is built on the principle of entropy minimization and is realized according to two informational chanals. Firstly, an the results of the subject testing of the training contingent. Secondly, on the sociometrical data with the help of measurement of matrix`s sympathy of the training contingent. It is shown, that in double management, the analysis of coziametria provides the wideness 0f possibilities for optimization of group cooperation and effective realization of didactic principles in the training process at schools as well as in the institutions. It provies the index of academic success of the training contingent.
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