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Железовская Г. И. Traditions and Innovations in Teaching Legal Subjects. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 91-?. DOI:

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Traditions and Innovations in Teaching Legal Subjects

The article is devoted the problem of using new forms and corresponding methods of teaching legal disciplines. Highlighted are some questions concerning the history of teaching in law schools; it is stated that in the Soviet period pedagogical activity in them did not contribute to the development of innovative forms of learning, because the specifics of training future lawyers required memorization of legal normative material, rarely subject to legislative changes and renovation. Significant alterations in approaches to teaching legal subjects in general and international law, in particular, in 2000- ies on the background of formation and development of a special branch of knowledge – legal pedagogy, and the impact of foreign pedagogical thought on the use of new forms of teaching in Russian law schools are considered. Special attention is paid to international moot courts, preparing for which one can use subject and language integrated learning. It is concluded that the specifics of methodical innovation must be stipulated by filling the existing methods used in modern didactics and teaching practice with specific legal content that will allow their permanent innovative modification.


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3. Metodika prepodavaniya pravovykh distsiplin [Teaching methods of legal disciplines]. Chelyabinsk, 2016. 149 p. (in Russian). 

4. Vyushkina E. G. Predmetno-yazykovoe integrirovannoe obuchenie: yuridicheskaya konsultatsiya na angliyskom yazyke [Language-based integrated learning: legal advice in English]. Vestn. Sarat. gos. yur. akad. [Bulletin of the Saratov State Law Academy], 2014, no. 5 (100), pp. 197–202 (in Russian).

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