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Шилова С. А. Using Interactive Methods of Learning for Developing Teamwork Competency in the Context of Teaching Foreign Languages at University. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 106-?. DOI:
Using Interactive Methods of Learning for Developing Teamwork Competency in the Context of Teaching Foreign Languages at University
The article considers conditions and ways of development of teamwork skills in the context of foreign language teaching at university. Aspects of competency-based approach functioning as the methodological basis of the modern system of higher education are analysed. Special attention is paid to the issues of the development of teamwork skills, which the author defines as the most neededsoft skills.The article points out that high level of these competencies is necessary for the university graduate to achieve success in their professional field. The main contradictions impeding effective development of these skills are defined. The article presents the results of the survey aimed at defining the entry level of teamwork competency of first-year students of computer science and information technology faculty of Saratov State University.On the basis of these results it is concluded that interactive methods of learning such as brainstorming and jigsaw technique have proven to be effective teaching toolsaimed at developing teamwork skills within the framework of teaching foreign languages at university. Recommendations on the ways of practical implementation of these techniquesfor organising classroom activity are made.
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