IgoshinVladimirIvanovichCountry: RussiaCity: SaratovCompany: Saratov State University , 83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410002, Russia Position: кандидат физико-математических наук, профессор кафедры геометрииScientific degree: доктор педагогических наукE-mail: igoshinvi@mail.ru Author's articles О ПОДГОТОВКЕ БАКАЛАВРОВ И МАГИСТРОВ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ПО ПРОФИЛЮ «МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ» On Quality of Training Bachelors and Post-graduate Students of Pedagogical Education (Mathematical Education) To Teach Logic to Prospective Mathematics Teachers (part I) To Teach Logic to Prospective Mathematics Teachers (part II) To teach logic to prospective mathematics teachers (Part III)