The ambivalence of the Eternity and the Coming in Christian mysticism as a cryptomystical subtext of philosophical thought

It is proved that the superrationality of Christian mystical experience qualitatively diff ers from the superrationality of other mystical traditions. In addition to the superrationality of Eternity as an invariant of all sacred traditions, Christian experience is superrational in the aspect of the Coming state of adoration, which is a task, not a given. This aspect is unique as an attribute of Christian mystical experience only. In the aspect of Eternity, mystical unity with the God is understood in metaphors of rotation, fusion and dissolution.

On the Way to the Truth: Aleksei Losev and Martin Heidegger

In this article the author compares philosophical ideas and concepts of Aleksei Losev and Martin Heidegger. It is claimed that the analyses of apophatic and cataphatic traditions of Christian thought led both philosophers to introduce the opposite paradigms of thinking.