цифровой контроль

Social and philosophical understanding of a human existence in the context of the coronavirus pandemic

The article provides a socio-philosophical analysis of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on human existence. Various views on this phenomenon are considered, both positive, based on the belief in scientific and technological progress and the development of new nanobiomedical information and cognitive technologies, with the help of which the virus will be defeated, and negative, based on the prejudice of a global conspiracy and digital totalitarianism, of the degradation of humanity under the influence of new information technologies.

The Diversity of the Digital Environment in a Risk Society

In the article presented, it is established that the basis for a digital society is the digital environment. The study of technologies outside the context of anthropological and social experience is insufficient, therefore, for the consideration of a digital society, the hybridization of Software studies and digital humanities is a productive one. It is established that the digital society is not only the result of technological progress, but also the result of the changing experience of mankind.