Personal maturity: A research model in the context of an event approach

Introduction. The problem of personal maturity, its criteria and mechanisms of achievement, acts as one of the significant and urgent problems in modern psychological science. A large number of scientific papers are devoted to the interpretation and definition of this concept, the search for its content and structural elements. Theoretical analysis. Based on the systematization of theoretical material, the author builds a model for the analysis of personal maturity (in the context of the event approach).

Principles of the evolutionary modelling in the research of the development of professional education

Introduction. Modelling is an important step in the analysis of a complex system functioning. It allows to define how the elements of the system are joined together, how they function; and to plan the directions of their development in the future. Traditionally two types of modelling are used in pedagogical research, verbal and conceptual ones. The former is the verbal expression of the ideas; the latter is their graphical mapping.

Social Psychological Genesis of «Self» from the Standpoint of the Philosophy of Social Interactionism

This publication considers the explanation of the consciousness and «self» genesis offered by G. H. Mead through a gradual development during childhood of a capability to assume a part of the other and to visualize own behaviour from the viewpoint of the others.

Health as an Ontological Phenomenon

Phenomenological analysis of health is presented in article and main ontological properties of health are discussed. Universality of health as natural and social phenomenon is shown. Author’s definition of health is given.

Development of Creative Abilities of the Future of the Journalist in the Process of Professional Preparation

The article is devoted to the problem of development of creative abilities of the future of the journalist in the process of professional preparation, the activation of its creative potential as a factor of personal and professional self-development of the student. A special emphasis on the theoretical ideas about the essence and the structure of the creative potential of the person of the journalist as a complex, multifaceted concept, which combines the personal reserve of the capacity and capabilities.

Determination of Peculiarity of Formation and Development of Culture Military Safety Russian Society

The article is devoted to the analysis of influence of some determinants on peculiarities of formation and development of culture of military safety of the Russian society. The author accounts for spatiotemporal, natural and climatic, spiritual factors. The first of them positively influenced on unity of Russian army and average citizens. It led to strengthening of conscience – everybody understood that military safety was a general problem.

Learning Motivation as a Factor in the Development of Intellectual Abilities of Younger Adolescents

The article is devoted to the impact of learning motivation on the development of intellectual abilities. The author describes the structure of learning motivation and gives a brief description of its main structural components (needs, motives, targets, formation of learning activities, interest in learning, and emotional condition). Educational-cognitive motives are highlighted as the most appropriate learning activities. The article considers the factors affecting the formation of positive learning motivation among students.

Personality Development as an Ideological Illusion of the Idea of Progress

The article is devoted to the topic of personal development in the idea of progress. This idea has always reflected in its content the concept of irreversible, linear and universal development as a movement from lower to higher. In this context, most studies on this topic considered the thesis of the inevitable, guaranteed, permanent and upward development of the personality as an axiom.

Problematization of a Question of Rationality in Scientific Research of Karl Marx: Historical and Philosophical Bases of Philosophy of Science

The article is devoted to consideration of problems of rationality in Karl Marx’s philosophy. The analyzed list of problems of scientific rationality includes the problems of logic, methodology and axiology of social and economic researches. The research for a dialectic method of idealistic philosophy and anthropological thinking precedes the historical novelty of dialectics-materialistic methodology of Marxism. It promoted creation of the complete concept of essence of the person, socio-historical process.

The Particularity of Development of Educating Teachers in the Saratov Region in the Nineteenth and the Beginning of the Twentieth Centuries

The article is about one of the most important problems in the system of the Russian Education in the nineteenth century - educating teachers. The development of educating teachers in the Saratov region in the nineteenth and in the beginning of the twentieth centuries is paid much attention. There were some educational establishments of the Saratov region last centuries in which teachers were prepared and were educated in the professional level. The basic aims and important tasks of the process of educating teachers in the Saratov region are indicated in the article.
